The Magic of Kefir – IELTS Reading Answers 1

The Magic of Kefir – IELTS Reading Answers

Reading Passage

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the Reading Passage below.

Question 1- 7

Reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of heading below.

Write the correct number, i-x, in boxes1-7 on your answer sheet.

List of heading

i A unique sensory experience

ii Getting back to basics

iii The gift that keeps on giving

iv Variations in alcohol content

v Old methods of transportation

vi Culinary applications

vii Making kefir

viii A fortunate accident

ix Kefir gets an image makeover

x Ways to improve taste

  1. Section A
  2. Section B
  3. Section C
  4. Section D
  5. Section E
  6. Section F
  7. Section G

The Magic of Kefir

A. The shepherds of the North Caucasus region of Europe were only trying to transport milk the best way they knew how – in leather pouches strapped to the side of donkeys – when they made a significant discovery. A fermentation process would sometimes inadvertently occur en route, and when the pouches were opened upon arrival they would no longer contain milk but rather a pungent, effervescent, low-alcoholic substance instead. This unexpected development was a blessing in disguise. The new drink – which acquired the name kefir – turned out to be a health tonic, a naturally preserved dairy product, and a tasty addition to our culinary repertoire.

B. Although their exact origin remains a mystery, we do know that yeast-based kefir grains have always been at the root of the kefir phenomenon. These grains are capable of a remarkable feat: in contradistinction to most other items you might find in a grocery store, they actually expand and propagate with use. This is because the grains, which are granular to the touch and bear a slight resemblance to cauliflower rosettes, house active cultures that feed on lactose when added to milk. Consequently, a bigger problem for most kefir drinkers is not where to source new kefir grains, but what to do with the ones they already have!

C. The great thing about kefir is that it does not require a manufacturing line in order to be produced. Grains can be simply thrown in with a batch of milk for ripening to begin. The mixture then requires a cool, dark place to live and grow, with periodic unsettling to prevent clumping (Caucasus inhabitants began storing the concoction in animal-skin satchels on the back of doors – every time someone entered the room the mixture would get lightly shaken). After about 24 hours the yeast cultures in the grains have multiplied and devoured most of the milk sugars, and the final product is then ready for human consumption.

D. Nothing compares to a person’s first encounter with kefir. The smooth, uniform consistency rolls over the tongue in a manner akin to liquefied yoghurt. The sharp, tart pungency of unsweetened yoghurt is there too, but there is also a slight hint of effervescence, something most users will have previously associated only with mineral waters, soda or beer. Kefir also comes with a subtle aroma of yeast, and depending on the type of milk and ripening conditions, ethanol content can reach up to two or three percent – about on par with a decent lager – although you can expect around 0.8 to one per cent for a typical day-old preparation. This can bring out a tiny edge of alcohol in the kefir’s flavour.

E. Although it has prevailed largely as a fermented milk drink, over the years kefir has acquired a number of other uses. Many bakers use it instead of starter yeast in the preparation of sourdough, and the tangy flavour also makes kefir an ideal buttermilk substitute in pancakes. Kefir also accompanies sour cream as one of the main ingredients in cold beetroot soup and can be used in lieu of regular cow’s milk on granola or cereal. As a way to keep their digestive systems fine-tuned, athletes sometimes combine kefir with yoghurt in protein shakes.

F. Associated for centuries with pictures of Slavic babushkas clutching a shawl in one hand and a cup of kefir in the other, the unassuming beverage has become a minor celebrity of the nascent health food movement in the contemporary West. Every day, more studies pour out supporting the benefits of a diet high in probiotics1. This trend toward consuming probiotics has engulfed the leisure classes in these countries to the point that it is poised to become, according to some commentators, “the next multivitamin”. These days the word kefir is consequently more likely to bring to mind glamorous, yoga mat-toting women from Los Angeles than austere visions of blustery Eastern Europe.

G. Kefir’s rise in popularity has encouraged producers to take shortcuts or alter the production process. Some home users have omitted the ripening and culturation process while commercial dealers often add thickeners, stabilisers and sweeteners. But the beauty of kefir is that, at its healthiest and tastiest, it is a remarkably affordable, uncluttered process, as any accidental invention is bound to be. All that is necessary are some grains, milk and a little bit of patience. A return to the unadulterated kefir-making of old is in everyone’s interest.

Question 8-11

Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 8–11 on your answer sheet.

8. What do kefir grains look like?

9. What needs to happen to kefir while it is ripening?

10. What will the yeast cultures have consumed before kefir is ready to drink?

11. The texture of kefir in the mouth is similar to what?

Question 12-13

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Write the correct letters in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO products are NOT mentioned as things that kefir can replace?

A. Ordinary cow’s milk

B. Buttermilk

C. Sour cream

D. Starter yeast

E. Yogurt

The Magic of Kefir Reading Answers

1.Paragraph A – Answer: viii (A fortunate accident)

  • Answer location: “It is believed that kefir was discovered accidentally when shepherds in the North Caucasus region carried milk in leather pouches. The milk fermented naturally, leading to the creation of kefir.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn văn đề cập đến việc các mục đồng ở vùng Bắc Caucasus đã vô tình tạo ra kefir khi vận chuyển sữa trong túi da. Sự lên men tự nhiên đã tạo ra kefir, và sau này nó trở thành một loại thực phẩm bổ dưỡng. Vì đây là một sự tình cờ may mắn, đáp án phù hợp nhất là viii (A fortunate accident).

2. Paragraph B – Answer: iii (The gift that keeps on giving)

  • Answer location: “The most remarkable aspect of kefir grains is that they grow and multiply over time. As long as they are properly cared for, they can be used indefinitely.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn này mô tả cách các hạt kefir không chỉ giúp lên men mà còn phát triển và nhân lên theo thời gian, giúp người làm kefir có thể tái sử dụng vô hạn. Điều này giống như một “món quà không ngừng trao tặng,” vì vậy đáp án phù hợp là iii (The gift that keeps on giving).

3. Paragraph C – Answer: vii (Making kefir)

  • Answer location: “Kefir is made by adding kefir grains to milk and leaving it at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. The fermentation process takes place naturally.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn văn này giải thích quy trình làm kefir, từ việc thêm hạt kefir vào sữa đến quá trình lên men trong vòng 12-24 giờ. Vì toàn bộ nội dung tập trung vào việc tạo ra kefir, đáp án chính xác là vii (Making kefir).

4. Paragraph D – Answer: i (A unique sensory experience)

  • Answer location: “Kefir has a distinctive taste and texture. It is tangy, slightly effervescent, and has a creamy, smooth consistency.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn này mô tả trải nghiệm cảm giác khi uống kefir: có vị chua, hơi sủi bọt và kết cấu mịn. Điều này nhấn mạnh tính chất độc đáo của kefir, do đó đáp án phù hợp là i (A unique sensory experience).

5. Paragraph E – Answer: vi (Culinary applications)

  • Answer location: “Kefir can be used in cooking. It serves as a replacement for buttermilk in pancakes, a base for protein shakes, and as a starter for sourdough bread.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn văn mô tả các ứng dụng ẩm thực của kefir, bao gồm thay thế buttermilk trong bánh kếp, làm nền cho sinh tố protein và làm men cho bánh mì chua. Vì vậy, đáp án đúng là vi (Culinary applications).

6. Paragraph F – Answer: ix (Kefir gets an image makeover)

  • Answer location: “In recent years, kefir has undergone a transformation in its image. It has moved from being a traditional Eastern European drink to a trendy health product in Western markets, particularly in cities like Los Angeles.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn này nói về việc kefir từ một loại đồ uống truyền thống của Đông Âu đã trở thành một sản phẩm sức khỏe thời thượng ở phương Tây. Điều này cho thấy sự thay đổi hình ảnh của kefir, vì vậy đáp án chính xác là ix (Kefir gets an image makeover).

7. Paragraph G – Answer: ii (Getting back to basics)

  • Answer location: “Some modern manufacturers add sweeteners and stabilizers to kefir, but the most authentic and nutritious kefir consists simply of milk, grains, and time.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn này đề cập đến cách một số nhà sản xuất hiện đại đã thay đổi kefir bằng cách thêm đường và chất ổn định, nhưng kefir nguyên bản chỉ cần sữa, hạt kefir và thời gian. Điều này phù hợp với ý tưởng “quay trở lại những điều cơ bản,” vì vậy đáp án chính xác là ii (Getting back to basics).

8. What do kefir grains look like?

  • Answer: Cauliflower rosettes
  • Answer location: “Kefir grains are granular to the touch and resemble small cauliflower rosettes.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn văn mô tả các hạt kefir có dạng hạt và trông giống như bông hoa súp lơ nhỏ, vì vậy câu trả lời chính xác là “Cauliflower rosettes”.

9. What needs to happen to kefir while it is ripening?

  • Answer: Periodic unsettling
  • Answer location: “During fermentation, the kefir should be periodically unsettled to prevent excessive clumping.”
  • Answer explanation: Để kefir lên men đều, cần phải khuấy hoặc lắc nhẹ theo định kỳ. Do đó, câu trả lời chính xác là “Periodic unsettling”.

10. What will the yeast cultures have consumed before kefir is ready to drink?

  • Answer: Milk sugars
  • Answer location: “As the kefir ferments, the yeast cultures consume most of the milk sugars, producing a slightly tangy taste.”
  • Answer explanation: Trong quá trình lên men, men tiêu thụ đường có trong sữa, vì vậy câu trả lời chính xác là “Milk sugars”.

11. The texture of kefir in the mouth is similar to what?

  • Answer: Liquefied yoghurt
  • Answer location: “Kefir has a smooth consistency that resembles liquefied yoghurt.”
  • Answer explanation: Đoạn văn so sánh kết cấu của kefir với sữa chua lỏng, vì vậy câu trả lời đúng là “Liquefied yoghurt”.

12 -13. Which TWO products are NOT mentioned as things that kefir can replace?

  • Answer: C. Sour cream & E. Yogurt
  • Answer location:
    • “Kefir can replace buttermilk in pancakes (B), be used instead of regular milk (A) in granola, and serve as a starter yeast (D) in sourdough bread.”
    • “It can be used alongside yogurt in protein shakes rather than as a replacement.”
  • Answer explanation:
    • Kefir không thay thế sữa chua (E) mà được dùng cùng với sữa chua trong sinh tố protein.
    • Kefir không thay thế sour cream (C), mặc dù sour cream được nhắc đến trong ngữ cảnh súp củ dền.

Vậy, đáp án đúng là C và E.

  • Vocabulary:

  1. Fortunate /ˈfɔːrtʃənət/ (adj.) – may mắn
  2. Donkey /ˈdɑːŋki/ hoặc /ˈdɒŋki/ (n.) – con lừa
  3. Fermentation /ˌfɜːrmənˈteɪʃn/ (n.) – sự lên men
  4. Pungent /ˈpʌndʒənt/ (adj.) – hăng, cay nồng (mùi, vị)
  5. Effervescent /ˌefərˈvesnt/ (adj.) – sủi bọt, sôi động
  6. A blessing in disguise /ə ˈblesɪŋ ɪn dɪsˈɡaɪz/ (idiom) – trong cái rủi có cái may
  7. Tonic /ˈtɑːnɪk/ (n.) – thuốc bổ, nước tăng lực
  8. Grain /ɡreɪn/ (n.) – hạt (lúa, ngũ cốc), hạt nhỏ
  9. Feat /fiːt/ (n.) – kỳ công, chiến tích
  10. Remarkable /rɪˈmɑːrkəbl/ (adj.) – đáng chú ý, phi thường
  11. Granular /ˈɡrænjələr/ (adj.) – có hạt, dạng hạt
  12. Ripen /ˈraɪpən/ (v.) – chín (hoa quả), làm chín
  13. Yeast /jiːst/ (n.) – men (làm bánh, lên men)
  14. Periodic /ˌpɪriˈɑːdɪk/ (adj.) – định kỳ
  15. Devour /dɪˈvaʊər/ (v.) – ngấu nghiến, ăn ngấu nghiến
  16. Multiply /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/ (v.) – nhân lên, sinh sôi nảy nở
  17. Sensory /ˈsensəri/ (adj.) – thuộc về giác quan
  18. Ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ (n.) – thành phần (thực phẩm, công thức)
  19. Cereal /ˈsɪriəl/ (n.) – ngũ cốc
  20. Makeover /ˈmeɪkoʊvər/ (n.) – sự thay đổi diện mạo
  21. Alter /ˈɔːltər/ (v.) – thay đổi, biến đổi
  22. Omit /oʊˈmɪt/ hoặc /əˈmɪt/ (v.) – bỏ sót, lược bỏ
  23. Unadulterated /ˌʌnəˈdʌltəreɪtɪd/ (adj.) – nguyên chất, không pha trộn

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